2009년 2월 17일 화요일

Web-based GIS moves from descriptive to predictive modeling

Web-based GIS moves from descriptive to predictive modeling

모델링의 중심이 묘사(기술)하는 것에서 예측하는 것으로 이동중이라고 합니다.

이게 무슨 말이고 하니, 제가 설명하는 것은 사족이 될터이니, 아래 문장을 직접 보시기 바랍니다.

What would happen if you were to build a freeway somewhere? We know freeways produce certain types of sprawls, developments, and population density. So you can predict the land use five to 10 years down the road in the area."

Building a Better World in GeoWeb 2008



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CommunityViz allows small communities to visualize the impact of different land use scenarios (above). The analysis results can be output as a KML file, ready for viewing in Google Earth (below). (Click either image for a larger version)
Click for larger image

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